If we could attempt to make a synthesis of the all 26 problems that were disused at the ASM Supreme Council on Science and Technological Development on the 26th of March we would have to define them with the above mention title of this press-release: The quality of work, the quality of researches, of implementation of diverse scientific projects and technological transfer, integration in European research area, the care for cultural and scientific patrimony, for the most significant personalities from Moldova.
We may begin with some considerable news. The first is that conferring the Doctor Honoris Causa of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova to the Mr. Ion Ungureanu, the artist of the people, nominee with State Prize of the Republic of Moldova, master of arts of the Russian Federation for his considerable contributions for the theater art, promotion of national culture beyond the national borders.
The second news refers to the approval of the Action Plan of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, dedicated to the commemoration of the poet Grigore Vieru, the Doctor Honoris Causa of the Academy of Sciencse of Moldova, that passed away on the 18th of January 2009.
The Supreme Council, taking in consideration the importance of the field of molecular biology has created in the frame of the University of the Academy of Science of Moldova the Center of the “Molecular Biology”. Structural and functional genomics and the control of the bio-informational processes represent the scientific direction for the new scientific structure.
At the same session it was approved the regulation for the Socio-Humanitarian Sciences Section, for the Section of the Exact and Economic Sciences and for the Nature and Life Section.
Another important issue is the opening of the state program in the file of the science and innovation for the 2010 – 2013 years, for the young researchers, for the equipment and for the research projects in the file of the fundamental and applicative sciences for the 2010 year.
Much discussion was generated on issue of recommended journals to be recognized as the scientific publications. General objective of the evaluation and classification of scientific journals is to rise the quality of publications and to encourage their integration into international scientific community. According to the Regulation the magazines classification was divided in 3 main categories A, B, C, based on the quality and their scientific resonance abroad. Taking into account the importance of the debated problem it, was taken decision to get back to this issue in 10 days. The Supreme Council for Science and Technological Development of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova examined as well issues that require operative resolution for the optimal activity of the research institutions.